Wednesday, April 7, 2010

Disneyland com Stephanie e Jessica/Disneyland with Stephanie and Jessica (04-05)

We went home Sunday night after Red Rock, to rest and get ready for Disneyland on Monday with our cousins Stephanie and Jessica! We got there at 11am and while the girls were getting their passports, we went to the "Great Moments with Mr. Lincoln" and the Magic Store. :D
Disneyland was really fun!! Stephanie, Jessica, Ben and I went to Pirates 2x, Indiana 2, Big Thunder Mountain 2 and Matterhorn hmmm 5 or 6x hahah Matterhorn was AWESOME at night!! Soooooo fast and scary! :D Oh yeah, and Buzz Lightyear 5 or 6x too. Ben got a really big score (1,566,800) and was in the top 10 of the day (6th). I got a really good score, something like 220,000 but in the picture they changed it to 3,000. I cant believe it, my first big score. :((((
Now, We are looking forward to the California Adventure with Steph and Jessica!!!!!

Nos fomos para casa Domingo de noite depois de Red Rock, para descansar e ficar prontos pra Disneyland na Segunda com nossas primas Stephanie e Jessica! Chegamos la as 11hrs e enquanto as gurias estavam pegandos os passaportes, nos fomos no "Grandes Momentos com o Sr. Lincoln" e na loja de Magicas. :D
A Disneyland estava muito divertida!! Stephanie, Jessica, Ben e eu fomos nos Piratas 2 vezes, Indiana 2, Big Thunder Mountain 2 e Matterhorn hmm umas 5 ou 6 vezes haha Matterhorn estava muito legal de noite!! Muuuuuuuuito rapido e assustador!! :D Ah sim, e no Buzz Lightyear umas 5 ou 6 vezes tambem. O Ben conseguiu um grande resultado (1.566.800) e estava no top 10 do dia (Sexto lugar). Eu consegui um bom resultado, algo como 220.000 mas na foto eles mudaram pra 3.000. Eu nao acredito nisso, meu primeiro grande resultado. :((((
Agora, estamos ansiosos pra California Adventure com Steph e Jessica!!!!

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