Saturday, April 10, 2010

Friends :)

Talking to my best friend Cinthia :D

maccarone and cheese pizza!!

Brandon, Ben , Kenny, Kevin and Keith

Wednesday, April 7, 2010

Visitando Miko/Visiting Miko (04-06)

Yesterday we went to visit our friends Louis and Lidia, and their baby Miko. He is 2 weeks old and sooooo cute!!!! Louis, Lidia, Ben and i played Uno too. It was really fun!
We could hold Miko and I think He likes his aunt Ana and uncle Ben :D haha
He is really a good and handsome boy. :)
Thank you Louis and Lidia for being so nice with us!!

Ontem fomos visitar nossos amigos Louis e Lidia, e o filhinho deles Miko. Ele tem 2 semanas e eh muuuuuuuuito fofo!!! Louis, Lidia, Ben e eu jogamos Uno tambem. Foi muito divertido!
Nos seguramos o Miko e eu acho que ele gosta da tia Ana e do tio Ben :D hahah
Ele eh um bom e lindo gurizinho. :)
Obrigada Louis e Lidia por serem tao legais conosco!!

Disneyland com Stephanie e Jessica/Disneyland with Stephanie and Jessica (04-05)

We went home Sunday night after Red Rock, to rest and get ready for Disneyland on Monday with our cousins Stephanie and Jessica! We got there at 11am and while the girls were getting their passports, we went to the "Great Moments with Mr. Lincoln" and the Magic Store. :D
Disneyland was really fun!! Stephanie, Jessica, Ben and I went to Pirates 2x, Indiana 2, Big Thunder Mountain 2 and Matterhorn hmmm 5 or 6x hahah Matterhorn was AWESOME at night!! Soooooo fast and scary! :D Oh yeah, and Buzz Lightyear 5 or 6x too. Ben got a really big score (1,566,800) and was in the top 10 of the day (6th). I got a really good score, something like 220,000 but in the picture they changed it to 3,000. I cant believe it, my first big score. :((((
Now, We are looking forward to the California Adventure with Steph and Jessica!!!!!

Nos fomos para casa Domingo de noite depois de Red Rock, para descansar e ficar prontos pra Disneyland na Segunda com nossas primas Stephanie e Jessica! Chegamos la as 11hrs e enquanto as gurias estavam pegandos os passaportes, nos fomos no "Grandes Momentos com o Sr. Lincoln" e na loja de Magicas. :D
A Disneyland estava muito divertida!! Stephanie, Jessica, Ben e eu fomos nos Piratas 2 vezes, Indiana 2, Big Thunder Mountain 2 e Matterhorn hmm umas 5 ou 6 vezes haha Matterhorn estava muito legal de noite!! Muuuuuuuuito rapido e assustador!! :D Ah sim, e no Buzz Lightyear umas 5 ou 6 vezes tambem. O Ben conseguiu um grande resultado (1.566.800) e estava no top 10 do dia (Sexto lugar). Eu consegui um bom resultado, algo como 220.000 mas na foto eles mudaram pra 3.000. Eu nao acredito nisso, meu primeiro grande resultado. :((((
Agora, estamos ansiosos pra California Adventure com Steph e Jessica!!!!

Pascoa em Palmdale/Easter in Palmdale (04-03/04-04)

Saturday night we went to Palmdale for Easter vigil with uncle Henry and his family. :)
The Mass started at 7:30pm and it was sooo beautiful. After the Mass we went to uncle Henry's house, ate and played darts.
Team 1: uncle Rick, Ben and Ana. Team 2: uncle Henry, Stephanie, Jessica and Henry. :)
Team 2 won. :((( hahah After that, Ben and I went to uncle Rick's house to sleep.
Sunday morning we had an Easter breakfast with Uncle Henry, Stephanie and Jessica and started getting ready for Red Rock. We left at 5pm.
It was my first time there and I loved! Its sooooooo beautiful!!!! And I had my first Smores! OMG!! Its so PERFECT, delicious! I want Smores!!! hahah

Sabado de noite fomos pra Palmdale para Vigilia Pascal com o tio Henry e a sua familia. :)
A Missa comecou as 19:30 e foi muuuito linda. Depois da Missa fomos para a casa do tio Henry, comemos e jogamos dardos.
Time 1: tio Rick, Ben e Ana. Time 2: tio Henry, Stephanie, Jessica e Henry. :)
O time 2 ganhou. :(( haha Depois disso, Ben e eu fomos para a casa do tio Rick para dormir.
Domingo pela manha tivemos um cafe-da-manha de Pascoa com o tio Henry, Stephanie e Jessica e comecamos a nos preparar para Red Rock. Nos saimos as 17hrs.
Essa foi a minha primeira vez la e eu amei! Muitooo lindooo!!!!! E eu tive meu primeiro Smores!
Eh PERFEITO, delicioso!! Eu quero Smores!! haha